Engine Cover Bolt Sets

Bolts for Alternator, Clutch, Points, Valve and Transmission Covers. Sets contain the bolts for the visible covers and come with the Allen wrenches (hex keys) to install.

Some of our competitors include washers in their sets. This doubles the total of pieces, and makes it seem like you are receiving a huge set. Sadly, the washers are bad idea for three reasons.

a) The washers reduce the thread of the bolt going into the engine crankcase by 1.5 turns. To put that another way, reducing the bolts holding power by about 25%, and increasing the risk of stripping threads.

b) The washers are a larger diameter than the original pan-head machine screws, and with some engine castings with recessed bolt holes, the washer will not sit flat on the cover. This can cause the bolt to come loose, and it also reduces the effective holding power of the bolt.

c) You are paying for parts you do not need.

If you don't see a set for your motorcycle or ATV, send us an email and we will see if we can assemble one for you.