Little House Supply Site Guide

Multiple ways to search our catalog

  • By Category:
    Search parts by category to see parts by category.
  • By Brand:
    Search parts by brand to see parts by manufacturer.
  • By Search:
    Enter a search request in the upper left search field using keywords - for example: Steel will return all steel products while stainless steel will return just stainless steel products.
  • By Alphabetical Listing:
    Click on the View All Parts to see alphabetical listings of parts.

Product Display

  • Gallery (default):
    Displays product pictures, product description and price in a 4-up grid format.
  • Long:
    Provides long descriptions in a list format with price.
  • Short:
    Provides the parts number and short description in a list format.
  • Items Per Page:
    Up to 100 items can be displayed on a single page. Controlled at the bottom of product lists.